Debunking 4 Emergency Medical Treatment Myths
If you ever find yourself in an emergency situation, whether it’s an active shooter event at work or a car accident on the interstate, we cannot emphasize enough the importance of a fast response. Sadly, there are a lot of myths floating around out there that can squelch a civilian first responder’s confidence and even hinder their ability to provide life-saving […]
How should I respond to injuries if I encounter a car accident?
Many people go through their entire lives and never have to provide emergency medical treatment to save someone’s life. But what if tomorrow you’re driving home from the grocery store or to your son’s soccer game, and you witness a serious car accident? Obviously, you call 911, check to see the severity of injuries or […]
Best Practices of Tourniquet Application: Clearing Up the Confusion
Tourniquets like the CAT (Combat Application Tourniquet) have been around for decades, but the conception of tourniquet application was invented long before that. It’s no surprise, then, that over such an extensive timeline, rules about applying tourniquets have changed in ways big and small. Each tweak of the process and adjustment to protocol has been the result of dedicated research and […]
Should Children’s Medical Injuries Be Treated Differently Than Adults?
It’s one thing to put a tourniquet on a 195-pound adult – it’s quite another to put a tourniquet on a child. Or is it? Many people are terrified by the thought of treating a child or an infant suffering from severe bleeding or another life-threatening injury, but for anyone who ever finds themselves in that […]
Types of Machine Injuries and How to Treat Them
While we typically spend a great deal of time speaking about responding to workplace violence or school shootings, there are many workplace injuries that occur unrelated to acts of violence or active shooter scenarios. Manufacturing and industrial facilities are accident-prone to say the least, and with forklifts, heavy crates, and assembly line equipment, risk is ever […]
5 Items You NEED in Your Emergency Medical Kit and Why
First aid kits have their place — like maybe when you get a paper cut or tear a hangnail — but the bandaids and antiseptic wipes in your basic first aid kit will not stop severe bleeding or help you treat any other kind of life-threatening injury. It’s time to increase your preparedness. Instead of preparing for […]
Levels of Situational Awareness: Which zone are you in?
Situational awareness is important for everyone — every teacher, student, working professional, church attendee, and stay-at-home parent. Granted, it’s unrealistic, and arguably unnecessary, for civilians to maintain the same level of acute awareness as people whose livelihoods are based around it. Imagine how exhausting it would be to remain on high alert 24/7, not to mention how much […]
Don’t Make These Mistakes in an Active Shooter Situation
Rarely is there just one right way to respond in an emergency. Everyone reacts a little differently during a crisis, but through our years of experience in law enforcement and EMS, we’ve seen some of the same poor reactions repeated in various traumatic events. It’s amazing the things our brains will tell us (or fail to tell […]
6 Habits of People Who Are Situationally Aware
Some people go about their day very attentive to their surroundings, and others are completely oblivious. Most civilians fall somewhere in the middle. We will probably notice the person in front of us in the customer service line yelling at the clerk because they can’t get a cash refund, but we may not see the […]
Can You Stop the Bleed?
Two minutes. Maybe three; four if you’re lucky — that’s all the time you have to treat a serious hemorrhage before it’s fatal. The fact that a person can bleed out in just two to four minutes is proof of how important it is to know how to stop massive bleeding. While reading a blog […]